unnecessary renders · why-did-you-render · hydration cost · expensive renders and effects · react profiler · chrome devtools · 
unnecessary renders · why-did-you-render · hydration cost · expensive renders and effects · react profiler · chrome devtools · 
suspense · redux & context · react 18 · layout thrashing · browser’s render loop · virtualization · 
suspense · redux & context · react 18 · layout thrashing · browser’s render loop · virtualization · 
cdns · render-blocking resources · critical css · webp and avif · font subsetting · responsive images · http2 & http3 · hydration cost · 
cdns · render-blocking resources · critical css · webp and avif · font subsetting · responsive images · http2 & http3 · hydration cost · 
third parties · cache-control · webpagetest · staying fast · prefetching · 
third parties · cache-control · webpagetest · staying fast · prefetching · 

Learn Web Per­for­mance First-Hand

Since 2017, Ivan Akulov has been helping companies like Framer, Restream, Toggl, and dozens more make their apps and sites faster. Over those years, Ivan has developed a step-by-step approach to improving web performance. Now, he’s teaching this approach to other engineers.

Since most workshops are remote, getting photos like this is hard; so this is a photo of Ivan speaking at React Summit instead 😇
Every workshop comes with cheatsheets for real-world performance issues

I’ve had plenty of trainings in the past that were full-frontal “death by powerpoint” where I had wished to do something practical for a change, but not in this [React Performance] workshop

⚛️ React Performance Masterclass. In the React workshop, we take several slow apps → profile them → and fix each of them. Along the way, we learn numerous performance tools and encounter all the common React performance antipatterns.

The workshop covers both basic (useMemo(), Chrome DevTools, React Profiler) and advanced topics (React Context, why-did-you-render, useTransition, virtualization, and many more). Full program · Free bonus materials

🌸 Core Web Vitals Masterclass. In the Core Web Vitals workshop, we take several slow apps → profile them → and fix them. In the process, we learn how to improve each Core Web Vital, use tools like Lighthouse and WebPageTest, and solve common issues you might encounter in the wild.

The workshop covers things like render-blocking resources, responsive images, font optimization, preloading, and more. Full program

We’re running 2-4 public workshops per year. Leave your email to learn when the next one happens: